Asoj Alerts

Somalische media geconfronteerd met arrestaties, intimidatie. in verkiezingsjaar

0 Visits: 910 | Saturday March 26, 2022 - 14:28:44
Nu de uitgestelde verkiezingen in Somalië weer zijn uitgesteld, graven de media van het land zich in voor wat al een lange en soms moeilijke verkiezingsperiode is geweest. Journalisten die verslag uitbrengen over politiek en oppositiekandidaten zijn aangevallen en vastgehouden, en een staatsleider…

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Why press freedom and end to FGM are related in Somalia.

0 Visits: 2165 | Saturday March 26, 2022 - 14:25:25
ASOJ.ORG - Press freedom and female genital mutilation (FGM) may be unrelated issues around the world but in Somalia, stakeholders think achievement of one will depend on the other. On Sunday, as the world marked the International Day of Zero Tolerance for FGM, the two issues converged in Mogadishu,…

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Somali Media Face Arrests, Harassment. in election year

0 Visits: 2034 | Saturday March 26, 2022 - 14:12:19
ASOJ.ORG - With Somalia's delayed elections pushed back again, the country's media are digging in for what has already been a lengthy and at times difficult election period. Journalists reporting on politics and opposition candidates have been assaulted and detained, and a state leader threatened…

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Somaliland: Two journalists survive attack in Hargeisa, TV reporter detained in Borame.

0 Visits: 2931 | Tuesday March 22, 2022 - 00:49:10
Associated Somali Journalists ASOJ strongly condemn and express their concern about the violent attack and the detention against independent journalists in Somaliland. On 14 March, Somaliland police in Borame, Awdal region, detained Horn Cable TV reporter, Imran Hussein Adan, a day after he covered…

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Somalië: journalisten steeds vaker doelwit

0 Visits: 1270 | Monday March 07, 2022 - 06:40:04
ASOJ.ORG - Journalisten van Somalië opereren mogelijk in een van Afrika's gevaarlijkste zones met staatsactoren en militanten die het op hen hebben gemunt vanwege hun werk, zo blijkt uit een nieuw rapport. Een rapport dat woensdag is vrijgegeven door de Associated Somali Journalists (ASOJ) beschuldigt…

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Somalia:increasingly target journalists report

0 Visits: 2177 | Monday March 07, 2022 - 06:32:27
ASOJ.ORG - Somalia's journalists may be operating in one of Africa's most dangerous zones with state actors and militants targeting them because of their work, a new report shows. A report released Wednesday by the Associated Somali Journalists (ASOJ) accuses government officials, both at federal…

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Somalia Journalists unlawful detention and targeted assassinations

0 Visits: 2146 | Saturday December 11, 2021 - 03:36:57
ASOJ.ORG - In marking International Human Rights Day 2021, the ASSOCIATED SOMALI JOURNALISTS ASOJ is deeply alarmed that human rights violations in the country remain deeply widespread and pervasive. This is particularly glaring when observing that media freedoms, including that most central of other…

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Death and detention major threats to media freedom in Somalia

0 Visits: 3035 | Tuesday May 04, 2021 - 05:26:20
ASOJ.ORG - Two journalists were killed and another 33 were detained while 133 cases of intimidation were logged in Somalia during 2020, the Associated Somali Journalists (ASOJ) reports in its State of Media Freedom Report 2021. Released on World Press Freedom Day 2021, the report titled Between a Rock…

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Journalists barred from covering Somali leaders' meeting

0 Visits: 3271 | Sunday April 04, 2021 - 18:54:53
ASOJ.ORG - The Associated Somali Journalists is deeply concerned that journalists were today barred from covering the meeting of the leaders of the Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member States (FMSs) as well as the Governor and Mayor of Mogadishu.

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Somalia: ASOJ strongly condemns the wounding of a journalist & arresting another.

0 Visits: 3579 | Thursday April 01, 2021 - 20:31:15
ASOJ.ORG - Associated Somali Journalists (ASOJ) is deeply concerned about the escalating violence against Somali journalists in the Gedo region, particularly in Beled Hawo district on the Somali-Kenyan border where a journalist was injured by security forces and another was arbitrarily imprisoned by…

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Puntland Frees Independent Journalist after Presidential Pardon

0 Visits: 3789 | Tuesday March 23, 2021 - 01:28:07
ASOJ.ORG - The Associated Somali Journalists ASOJ welcomes the release of independent journalist Kilwe Adan Farah, who was today pardoned by Puntland President Said Abdullahi Deni. Kilwe Adan Farah had on, 17 March 2021, been sentenced to three years in jail by the Military High Court of Puntland, following…

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COVID-19 guidance for journalists and media houses in Somalia

0 Visits: 4654 | Friday April 17, 2020 - 05:41:14
ASOJ.ORG - Associated Somali Journalists has today published New guidance (advices) setting out how journalists and media houses in Somalia can meet their media duties as they navigate the effects of the coronavirus pandemic.

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ASOJ condemns journalist jailed in Mogadishu over social media posts

0 Visits: 4106 | Thursday April 16, 2020 - 01:52:50
ASOJ.ORG - Associated Somali Journalists (ASOJ) strongly condemns the arrest of journalist Abdiaziz Ahmed Gurbiye who was also the Deputy Director of Goobjoog Media Group on Tuesday morning April 14, 2020, and calls for his immediate and unconditional release.

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Somalia:security forces arrested 38 journalists, while 37 were beaten, shot at or threatened at gunpoint

0 Visits: 3919 | Sunday January 05, 2020 - 06:26:56
Somalia detained record number of journalists in 2019: Report. State security forces arrested 38 journalists, while 37 were beaten, shot at or threatened at gunpoint, report says.

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ASOJ demands the release of Somali journalist arrested over Facebook posts.

0 Visits: 40846 | Tuesday May 28, 2019 - 22:58:12
The Associated Somali Journalists (ASOJ) has called for the immediate and unconditional release of a journalist Ali Aden Mumin arrested in Mogadishu after posting comments on his Facebook account.

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Somalia:ASOJ condemns the murder of veteran journalist

0 Visits: 6020 | Sunday December 23, 2018 - 04:33:55
The Associated Somali Journalists (ASOJ) condemns the murder of veteran journalist and other innocent people by coordinated double suicide bombings in Mogadishu.

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ASOJ demands the release of Somali journalist detained in Djibouti

0 Visits: 8594 | Thursday June 16, 2016 - 08:55:18
ASOJ.ORG - Associated Somali Journalists (ASOJ) condemns the arbitrary incarceration of a Somali journalist, Roble Mohamed Dirir, who is currently in the notorious Gabood prison in Djibouti city.

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A lawsuit Filed against Information Minister of Somalia

0 Visits: 9817 | Friday March 25, 2016 - 05:13:13
ASOJ.ORG - Information Minister of Somalia Mohamed Abdi Hayir Maareeye accused of killing Hindia Haji and Abdullahi Anogel. The minister also threatened and detained many Somali journalists.

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Somali Information Minister Condemned over Misconducts

0 Visits: 8847 | Monday January 18, 2016 - 09:07:41
ASOJ.ORG - The Associated Somali Journalists called Somali information Minister Mohamed Hayir Maareye a dictator who committed atrocities against the ministry of the information.

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Somalia:Hassan Gesey want to cover the murder of Media editor

0 Visits: 8189 | Friday November 06, 2015 - 09:57:49
ASOJ.ORG - Associated Somali Journalists -ASOJ - wants to draw your attention that Mohamed Ajiib (formerly known as Mohamed Ajiin) and his employee clansman Hassan Ali Geesey want to cover the murder of waagacusub Media English editor Abdullahi Ali Hussein (Ano geel) with the direct involvement of Dahabshiil…

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