Union of Somali Journalists in S/Africa applauds the recent election in Nairobi.

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    Union of Somali Journalists in S/Africa applauds the recent election in Nairobi.

    Khartoum 14 Setember 2009

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Khartoum 14 Setember 2009
The Union of the Somali Journalists in South Africa (SOJASA) has warmly endorsed the election of the Chairman of Somali Journalists in the Kenyan Capital Nairobi. The Union has also sent congratulation to Mohamed Abdullah Sidi the newly elected Chairman. 

The chairman of SOJASA Mr. Mohamed Mosses Noor (Deeq Darajo) has officially said that this is a historical moment, and a great achievement reached by the entire of Somali Journalists as whole.

“I am hereby congratulating Mr. Siidi, and I beg the Almighty Allah to help him, in the task ahead” said Mr. Mohammed Mosses Noor. 

In a written letter the Union of Somali Journalists in South Africa, has urged the entire Somali Journalists in the world to be one, and to come together for a general assembly for those who can participate. 

“We have to forget about the past and focus on present, we have to put forward our guts and say loud our voice, since when are we to be mute, there are some people who are using our name and gaining in our name” said Abdinasir Ahmed Sheikh Bashir (Sahansaho) the secretary general of SOJASA 

The spokesman of SOJASA Osman Hassan (Fantastic) has on his side endorsed this momentous event, likewise veteran Journalists Abdirizak Abdullahi Mohamed (love eyes) has immensely supported this significant event achieved by the Somali journalists, and urged the newly elected Chairman to be heartily supported.

Abdi wahid baadshaa
Capetown , South Africa.

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