Journalists expressed their view over the Triumph gained by the Somali Journalists in Nairobi.

Monday July 05, 2010 - 02:38:06 in English News by Super Admin
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    Journalists expressed their view over the Triumph gained by the Somali Journalists in Nairobi.

    The Chairman of the movement of the Somali Women Journalists Lady Fardowsa Sheikh Hassan (Korea), has sent congratulations to the newly elected, Somali Journalists in Nairobi, as well to the voters and the electoral commission who have organized the

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The Chairman of the movement of the Somali Women Journalists Lady Fardowsa Sheikh Hassan (Korea), has sent congratulations to the newly elected, Somali Journalists in Nairobi, as well to the voters and the electoral commission who have organized the election.

“My congratulations goes to the entire of the Somali Journalists and their newly elected Chairman Mohammed Sidi, I strongly urge the Somali Journalists to sincerely and heartily offer hand to their Chairman, for unshakable unity for the Somali Journalists without you he cannot do his task” said Fardowsa Korea. 

The Chairman of the Association of Somali Journalists honorable Dahir Abdulle Alasow, has also verified that the election by the Somali Journalists in Nairobi, electing Mohamed Sidi as their new Chairman is a historical moment, and has sent his congratulations to both the Chairman of the Somali Journalists in Nairobi and his other fellow Journalists, and praised how the election was free and fair.

“After having watched the images on the ground, and had chats with some of the Journalists who have participated in the election, this has left me impressions of zeal and happiness, and I feel that from today henceforth the Somali Journalists, have safely crossed over the bridge of loathing among themselves, this historical moment will prove that, a successful step has been carried ahead, and history will tell more about it” Said honorable Dahir Abdulle Alasow the Chairman of the Association of Somali Journalists speaking about this historical moment achieved by the Somali Journalists in Nairobi.

Honorable Dahir Alasow has also sent congratulated to the entire of Somali Journalists for how prudently the election has taken place without and sort of corruption and mistrust among the Journalists.

“The Somali people have healthy sayings for instance there is a Somali saying which says, don’t chat with he who chats about you in an ill way, and he is idiot enough whoever thinks to usurp the rights of 82 Somali Journalists, who have beautifully came together and democratically elected single leader, their were some individuals who have been greedily taking the rights of these Somali Journalists who have fled from their motherland due to insecurity, and for sure from the 11th of September these individuals will be odd crows which have fallen in front of the independent Somali Media” reiterated the Honorable Dahir Alasow the Chairman of the Association of Somali Journalists.

Honorable Dahir Alasow has as well urged the different sectors of the Somali Media to be cautious of some opportunists’ individuals who have been falsely scooping wealth in the name of the Somali Journalists.

“I am sure these individuals will not endorse this marvelous moment reached by the Somali Journalists in Kenya” added Honorable Dahir Alasow.

“There are some Websites which have written fabricated issues about the election of the Somali Journalists in Nairobi, and I pursued them and proved them wrong in fact they are swimming in a pool full of disgrace not water, in fact the whole picture of the election and how it has taken place was spread in most of the Somali Websites, so thus these few Websites which have given out the false expression about the election in Nairobi have in the name of Allah poured petrol onto their bodies and set fire set fire on themselves” said Honorbale Dahir Abdulle Alasow.

Similarly Daud Abdi Daud the Chairman of Somali Journalists Rights Association (SORJA) has sent congratulation message via the Media to new Chairman of Somali Journalists Mohamed Sidi, and urged him to carefully select assiduous members who can help the entire of the Somali Journalists.

“I am happier than ever to be present to witness the Somali Journalists unanimously electing a Chairman, it is a historical event and a good symbol which is worth to be copied” said Daud Abdi Daud the Chairman of SORJA.

Daud Abdi also added that it is very shameful and unfortunate for the some individuals to bribe the Lady who reports for Universal TV not to air this historical event

“We thought that Universal TV is a TV for the Somali people, but now I speaking on behalf of the Somali Journalists we came to realize that it is a TV which takes bribe and airs views of anybody who bribes it, I am sure bribe will not take you to anywhere, and be unbiased” said Daud Abdi Daud.

Mohammed Osmn Sheikh Qadaaffi the secretary of ASOJ on the side of the community relations has as well sent special congratulation to Mohammed Sidi the newly elected Chairman of the Somali Journalists in Nairobi.

“He is a man who worth to hold this kind of post, he is a man who is trustable, famous for justice, I have enough knowledge foe him, because we have enrolled the field of journalism in the same time, and for him to carry his duties in God Fearing Way” said Journalist Qadaffi.

This momentous election in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, has brushed aside, the interest of the individuals who have been using the name of the Somali Journalists as an NGO, and the Somali Journalists have from now henceforth crossed over the bridge of deceiving and entertainments.

Abdi wahid baadshaa
Capetown , South Africa.

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