Press Conference from the Election Committee of the Somali Journalists in Kenya

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    Press Conference from the Election Committee of the Somali Journalists in Kenya

    Nayrobi 10 Setember 2009

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Nayrobi 10 Setember 2009

The independent election committee of the union of Somali Journalists in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, has released their 3rd press conference, regarding about the smooth process of the election which is scheduled to take place on the coming Friday, which will be attended by the entire of the Somali Journalists in the Kenya.

The committee has exposed the voting regulation, and this is how it is written:--

To:The well-regarded Somali Journalists

To: The Somali Journalists in Kenya

The Regulation of the election committee and Election

The election committee consists of 5 people, and has a chairman, vice Chairman, Secretary and 2 members.

The Election Committee is independent, and will administer the election.

The Election Committee will enlighten the election system for the voters.

They will Count the Votes

They will announce the winner

They will watchfully go on with the election process, which will be on three phases.

When the election comes into conclusion, the last two candidates will come up to the microphone, to express their feelings, and how the election has been going on, the election will be free and fair.

The Election will be in form of confidentiality

The Election Committee will be carefully take care of the ballot papers, and the counting of each candidates votes.

Each counted ballot paper will be kept in a safe place, and should not return for the second time.

The Election Committee will keep an eye on anything which they think will create irregularities, in order the voters to have total confidence in their votes.

A part from the Election Committee, nobody can go close to the ballot boxes,

Each must say that he is contented with the Election Committee

The Candidate must tell in front of the people that he will be satisfied of the outcome of the election, whether it is winning of defeating.

There should be no lobbing campaign in the Election venue

Your vote is your voice

Your vote is your power

The Election Schedule

On Friday the 11th September 2009 voting day

Time and the Event

2:00-2:30 PM

Registering and warmly receiving

2:30-3:15 PM

Lecture of the candidates

3:15-4:15 PM

The First Round of the Election

4:15-4:30 PM

Afternoon Prayers

4:30:5:15 PM

The Second Round of the Election

5:15-6:00 PM

The third and the last Round of the Election

6:00-6:15 PM

The announcement of the Chairman


Joint Press Conference of the Chairman and the Election Committee of


By Mohamed Osman Sheekh

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