Somalia:Independent media association deplores oppressive media law

Sunday January 03, 2016 - 11:44:13 in English News by Asoj Org
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    Somalia:Independent media association deplores oppressive media law

    ASOJ.ORG - ASOJ has been a member of the media law drafting and reviewing committee. Its therefore to make clear, since the process has been hijacked without the consent of ASOJ as a member and independent media community as general, that the media l

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ASOJ.ORG - ASOJ has been a member of the media law drafting and reviewing committee. Its therefore to make clear, since the process has been hijacked without the consent of ASOJ as a member and independent media community as general, that the media law is oppressive to the media freedom, and demeans rights of journalists. ASOJ do not see it as a media law, but rather a tyrannical loophole that will allow Damujadiid group to carry out more arrests on journalists.  ASOJ denounces sinister acts of the Information minister Mohamed Hayir Mareye who became a symbol of mischief in the media.

It is mind boggling that a Minister who has no university degree wants to impose a university degree on journalists to be recognized as journalists by enforcing this law. 

ASOJ reiterates its objection against the so-called Somali media law, and will not subsequently adhere it to.  ASOJ will challenge this law. In this occasion, we call upon the Somali Media fraternity to come together for the formation of non-oppressive non-hijacked media law.

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