ASOJ oo Wasiirka Warfaafinta ku eedeeyay inuu galmo xooga ku sameeyay gabdho Suxufiyiin ah

Wednesday October 07, 2015 - 21:45:25 in Warar Af-Soomaali ah by Asoj Org
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    ASOJ oo Wasiirka Warfaafinta ku eedeeyay inuu galmo xooga ku sameeyay gabdho Suxufiyiin ah

    ASOJ.ORG- Ururka isu taga Suxufiyiinta Soomaaliyeed ayaa Ra'isulwasaaraha Xukumadda Federalka Somalia ugu baaqay inuu si degdega shaqo joojin ugu sameeyo Wasiirka Warfaafinta Somalia Mohamed Abdi Hayir Maareeye.

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ASOJ.ORG- Ururka isu taga Suxufiyiinta Soomaaliyeed ayaa Ra'isulwasaaraha Xukumadda Federalka Somalia ugu baaqay inuu si degdega shaqo joojin ugu sameeyo Wasiirka Warfaafinta Somalia Mohamed Abdi Hayir Maareeye.

Associated Somali Journalists ASOJ oo soo saartay Warsaxaafadeed waxeey sheegtay in Wasiirka Warfaafinta Mr Mohamed Maareeye si qasaba ula galmooday Haween ka shaqeeya Wasaaradda Warfaafinta.

Hindiya Xaaji Maxamed oo ah Suxufiyaad ka tirsan SNTV iyo Radio Muqdisho ayaa Wasiirka Warfaafinta ku eedeysay inuu gabdhaha ka shaqeeya Warbaahinta Qaranka kula kacay falal aan loo dulqaadan karin,iyadoo hoosta ka xariiqday iney dacwad furi doonto si Wasiirka Cadaaladda loola tiigsado.

"ASOJ waxaa la soo xiriiray seddex haween ah oo ka shaqeeya Telefishinka iyo Idaacadda Qaranka,waxeeyna seddexduba si isku mida u sheegeen inuu Wasiirka Warfaafinta ku sameeyay Blackmailing” ayaa lagu yiri Warsaxaafadeedka Associated Somali Journalists.

"Wasiir Maareeye wuxuu igu dhahay hadaad ila seexan ,oo aad diido inaan galmo wada sameeyno waxaan kaa eryi doonaa shaqadda ,anigana maadama aan bartilmaameed u ahay Al-Shabaab waan ka aqbalay maxaa yeelay haddii shaqadda leeyga eryo ma heeysto meel kale oo aan ku tiirsho nolosheeyda ama gabaad ka dhigto” ayey tiri gabadh Saxaafiyadda oo ka hoowlgasha Telefishinka Qaranka Somalia taas oo codsatay inaan magaceeda la sheegin xaalad amaan darteed.

ASOJ waxeey Wasiir Maareeye sidoo kale ku eedeeysay inuu Mushaarkii shaqaalaha ku tagrifalay isagoo ku iibsaday gaari sida ku cad dukumiinti laga helay Nootaayadda Banaadir.

"Dukumiintiyadda aan helnay waxeey cadeeynayaan inuu Baabuur ku iibsaday lacag badan iyadoo shaqaalahii Idaacadda iyo Telefishinkana wax Mushaara la siin lix bilood”ayaa lagu yiri Warsaxaafadeedka ASOJ.

ASOJ waxeey beesha Caalamka,Hay’adaha Xaquuqul Insaanka,kuwa Saxaafadda iyo Madaxda Dowladda Somalia dhamaan ugu baaqeeysaa in baaris degdega lagu sameeyo tacadiyadda iyo gabood faladda Wasiirka Warfaafinta Xukumadda Federalka Somalia.


ASOJ is a non-profit and nongovernmental organization; the Association has branches in all over Somalia. It works together with all sectors of Somali society including non-governmental organizations, governmental institutions, civil societies and the general public in information management.

Membership and partner Organizations

ASOJ is a member of the Arab Press Freedom Watch {APFW}

ASOJ is partner organization :

Somali exiled journalists Association (S.E.J.ASS.)

Somali journalist’s rights agency (SOJRA)

Women journalists in action (WOJA)

ASOJ Objectives

To defend and broaden the freedom of the Press, which is the freedom to gather information, the freedom to impart information and the freedom of opinion without meddling .

To represent journalists in all places where topics relating to the profession are in discussions.

To normalize and develop relationships involving the employees and employers.

To negotiate and support the agreements of disagreements arising between employees and employers by pacification, mediation or otherwise safeguard the interest of the members.

To strive and seek out services for members to obtain skills training.

The protection and development of freedom of expression and democracy to enable the citizens to express their feelings liberally at any time.

To move up the importance of journalism in the society by implementing a professional code of ethics.

To promote a courage of cooperation and unity among Somali journalists.

The protection and backing of public justice, civil liberty and peace.

The elimination of favoritism on the basis of clan, gender or disability.

To protect and promote the rights of freelance journalists.

To defend the common interest of the nation and the coexistence of the Somali people.

To promote the rights of women journalists and not to discriminate them in the media, and to guarantee their appearance in all structures of the union.

Sincerely yours,

Membership of the Association

The membership of the association is open to anyone involved in journalistic profession. The membership levels are full membership, associated membership and honorary membership .

: ASOJ : Somali local Association : 01-Sep-2004 : Mogadishu : Somaliland,Puntland,Galmudug: Mass media International Media defenders


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