Second journalist killed in Mogadishu within 24 hours

Monday August 13, 2012 - 08:56:15 in English News by Super Admin
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    Second journalist killed in Mogadishu within 24 hours

    By Fadumo Farah -

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By Fadumo Farah -

ASOJ.ORG - Second Somali journalist has been erased from Earth today. Mohamud Ali Buneyste was shot dead in the capital Mogadishu by a government soldier, according to eyewitness.

Voice of Democracy Radio journalist Mohamud Buneyste who returned to Mogadishu after many years in exile was trying to take pictures of a car accident near Stadium Mogadishu, Yaqshid district in Mogadishu where he was watched a football game before  he was hit by the stray bullets, reports says.

Associated Somali Journalists (ASOJ) Leader -  Dahir Alasow said “I am lost for words” “it is a bad day for the Somalia media, because we lost two great friends today” he added

“Our colleague in Mogadishu have just returned from the funeral of Yusuf Ali Osman {Farey) who had been shot dead by unknown gunmen on his way to work earlier today and few hours later we hear this sad news - All we can say is our thoughts, love, respect and prayers are with him and his family”

“On the same day August 11, 2007, we lost two great journalists – Mahad Amed Elmi and Ali Iman Sharmake” he said Mr Alasow.

Late Buneyste is the 10thjournalist to be assassinated in Somalia this year.Aged around 22, Buneyste was also  webmaster of

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