Delegate Associated Somali journalists are tour on Adis ababa.
13 July 2007
Chairman of Assaciated Somalia Journalists Dahir Abdulle Alasow told that they have been welcomed warmly by Ethopian government ,on the other hand he remarked that their journey concerned African Journalist Independent. Our idea media independent of Ethopia is different from as we thought , they gave us chance to enlighten if there is human right outrages,
We hope to explain us why Somali reporter ali
halane (ali Baabuur) is still arrested said dahir Abdulle Alasow Somali
Associated Journalists speaking Mgadishu local media,
ASOJ delegate is expected to travel from Adis
ababa to Cape town of south Afric and control journalist outrage in
Anyhow Asoj journey in Adis ababa is one of
Five journeys they will travel America, Europe, and Middle East.
Delegate Associated Somali journalists are tour on Adis ababa.