ASOJ criticizes Islamists over music ban
“The outlawing of music by Hizbul Islam is a dream and we see it as a clear violation against the free press,” said Dahir Abdulle Alasow, the chairman of Associated Somali Journalists. “Hizbul Islam should not violate the rights of media houses of managing their tasks,” he added.
Alasow called for the authorities of the Media houses in Mogadishu to stop broadcasting in protest against the order by Hizbul Islam.
Moallim Hashi Mohamed Farah, a senior leader of Hizbul Islam told today the reporters in Mogadishu that his group ordered all the radios in Mogadishu to stop playing music and songs within 10 days, we will punish the radio which disobeys the orders.” Farah said.
“the media is the fourth power in the country and I would suggest all the media houses to move from areas controlled by the terror groups like Hizbul Islam and Al-Shabab,” said Alasow, ASOJ chairman.
Somalia is the most dangerous country for journalists in Africa as more
than 20 professional journalists were killed and hundreds more wounded for the
last three years.
ASOJ criticizes Islamists over music ban
Mogadishu 04 April 2010